2017 is flying by!!

So as I sit here today I am slightly flabbergasted that it is over halfway through the year....and that my last blog post was in October 2016! How did that happen?!

My last post was about goals I was wanting to complete in six weeks, I finished three of the four tasks (sorry Hitofude - I still haven't finished you, then again it is about to snow here so maybe in a few months?) In happier news I released Binkylove - a design that I am really stoked with, as it is cute but easy enough to create.

I feel it is repetitive, but I feel like I want to do a post about goals again, to take stock of the year so far and what I want to focus on over the next few months.

I have been working with Michelle from The Woven coming up with some patterns for her gorgeous yarn! I have designed a shawlette, cowl and vest. The latter two are still in the sample-knit/publish stage but the Dawn Skies Shawlette was debuted at WoolFeast 2017 and was met with a warm reception. There is nothing quite like seeing your work go from mumblings in your head, to sketches on paper, then seeing it photographed on a model, to the final stage of watching someone pay their hard earned money for a kit to make your design. I almost cried; it was a surreal moment for me.
I still have a few ideas floating around for what I could make with Sumptuous (isn't it a fabulous name?!) so watch this space!

I also started a new job this year, it is very challenging (which is what I was after) and I am quite excited to see where it goes. At the moment I am just taking each day as it comes and trying to enjoy it.

The other big happenings is that several of my friends are pregnant/having their first children, so I spend almost all my free time making itty bitty baby goodies for them.


So that's my year so far....now to the future...
- I want to design 10 patterns this year, I have done 5 so far so if I pick it up this may be achievable.
- I have a cardigan I want to finish knitting by the end of July, it makes sense to complete it as soon as possible otherwise Winter will pass and it will stay in a drawer for months
- Keep knitting all the itty bitty baby things! More specifically a baby shower gift by the end of July for a friend I met my first week of high school.

That's all I can think of for now, just need to focus on getting stuff done!

Anyone else out there got yarny goals set at the moment?

A x


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