So this is blogging!

Ok time to blog.....surely I'm not the only one to get to this step and have a mind blank?

To be fair the mind blank has occurred on and off since the start of this year but I should really introduce myself first before I launch into that.

Hi! I'm Amy and I taught myself to knit as a New Year resolution in January 2014. I loved the challenge and the peace that comes from gently clicking needles, beautiful yarn, and an increasing work of art forming on your lap.

I wanted to sell my handmade goodies near and far, however the amount of time that goes into a gorgeous garment can often be undervalued (probably by myself most of all!) so I had to dial back on my dreams of building a knitwear empire (haha). Then an idea clicked in my head that I could design patterns and people could craft their own masterpieces! This idea is even more amusing due to the fact that I hate maths, but I persevered and thanks to a wonderful challenge on instagram (led by the awesome Frenchie from @arohaknits) I designed my first basic pattern. The Ngahuru Cowl was born!

Now the first pattern was an enjoyable challenge, but now I am on the cusp of putting another pattern on Ravelry and I am filled with nerves and doubts (and the aforementioned mind blank!) What if no one likes it? What if no one buys it? What if - even worse - people hate it?!

So I'm chucking it out to all you wise crafters out there - how to you overcome your learning blocks and motivate yourself to step out of your comfort zone?

Hope to hear from someone,
A x


  1. I find that having an accountability partner helps me get across roadblocks! Or having a pal "dare" you to do something! Or race to finish a project and see who gets there first - Positive motivators! Or I'll promise myself something really nice if I get through it.

    1. An accountability partner is a great idea!! I like the idea of rewarding myself too but I feel for me the challenge would be a bigger driving force :)

  2. Welcome to knitting, Ravelry, and blogging! :) I get over the learning blocks by slogging through and never giving up. I spent years working on a shawl for my mom and learned with every mistake I made. Just keep knitting!

    1. Thanks Melanthe! I admire your tenacity to keep going and not giving up. I think the idea of learning from mistakes is so important, as opposed to quitting when it all gets too hard!

  3. All the very best. I just signed up for your test knit and hope to see more designs from you!

    1. Thank you so much! It is so appreciated, I got so nervous about it but I figured everyone has to start somewhere!


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