Deadline and pressure and stress...oh my!

Ahoy! Hello! Hope you are well!

Today I am sitting (loving my day off as I do every Monday) and wishing I had more hands so I could work on more than one project at a time. I have a gift that I have been working on (secret project - I'll share in a few weeks I promise!) which is taking a lot of time as it is so big, plus a few other projects that really need to escape the WIP pile.

I'm currently working on:
- Secret project/gift which is due in a few weeks
- Notched Hem Tank Top by Purl Soho (for me)
- Hitofude. My poor, poor Hitofude who is patiently waiting at the bottom of the WIP pile where it has been UNTOUCHED for over a year. RIP Hitofude....
- My Banquo Drape Cardigan (again, for me). Just the left front and seaming to go.
- New mittens design, halfway through the second mitt
- New shawl design, only just started so it is still a small project.

I guess the theme from above is if it is a gift for someone is it finished as fast as possible, if it is for me - give it months (or years!!) Hmmm interesting - wonder what the meaning behind that is?

I am also trying to get several designs done for the new range of yarn from The Woven. As my hubby and I are off on our honeymoon in April I am wanting to get these done in March before I go, as when I get back it will be almost the start of Winter in New Zealand which would be the ideal release date. Means there is a lot of knitting to be done though.


Also started the Foxpup test knit which is exciting. I set up my own Ravelry group to do it as the Testing Pool kinda thing annoys me with all the rules and obligatory postings, so I wanted something with a friendlier feel, I want test knitting to be a fun experience, not one that leaves you a bit cold and restricted.

So the test is coming along, some testers have given some excellent feedback which is awesome! I love getting feedback as it really is opportunities for growth and improvement. There have been times where I've had that naggy, negative voice in my mind doubting Foxpup due to the sizing and maths being a bit beyond my comfort zone and thankfully the testers have been awesome with suggestions, as well as a fabulous tech editor. Still hard to fight that voice sometimes though - if anyone has suggestions on how to shut it up let me know! It would be very easy to follow that voice, close the test knit, and give up on designing dreams. And then I would kick myself for being a muppet and that nothing is gained without hard work.

Last thing for the day - I finished my Collier Hat by Norah Gaughan and I love it! So pretty and the colour is awesome! It is a really bright, rich pink (Tiffin by Outlaw Yarn) and it is fabulously soft.

That's all for today (must get back to the knitting!) If anyone does have any suggestions about how to quieten that inner voice from being such a buzzkill do let me know :)

Till next time,
A x


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