Happy New Year! 2019 will be a big one.....!

Happy New Year!

I hope wherever you are that your celebrations rolled out in the way you intended, I know mine did - dvd at home will hubby and in bed before midnight 😂

In the New Year we commonly reflect on the previous year and aim to set some resolutions or goals for the year ahead. I am quite happy with my 2018, I completed the following:

- One year married (woohoo!)
- An amazing honeymoon in Europe and America
- Another year down in a job that keeps me on my toes but makes a difference for many people
- And out of the New Year resolutions I set for 2018 I completed all except the last (release eight knitwear designs). That means I DID learn to spin, and crochet, and had not one but TWO submissions accepted to a magazine!

I released six designs; three were self published, three for the Woven, and then my two magazine submissions which will be out this year (so I haven't included them in the final count).

I am happy with this as there were several hiccups along the way this year, with large chunks of time where I was unable to knit. That being said - I am shooting WAY higher for this year.

I was watching the vlogs for Yarn Academy's Find Your Focus challenge and one of the things Babs' says is to aim big, insanely big, as if you make it and achieve those goals you will be over the moon, and if you attain part of the goal - you will still be happy at the drive and determination and results.

So my big goal is to design 15 patterns and release at least 10 of them in 2019.....!

That seems absolutely mad to me but I'm going for it - I have nothing to lose and if I make it by some miracle then I will be ecstatic! Plus I will have a bit of extra crafting time on my hands *maybe* as I will be finishing work in April to have a baby! (Don't worry; I know this will also severely limit crafting time initially!)

My other goal of having only six WIPs on the go has started, since my last blog post I have finished 2/14 so I am hoping to get down to my six WIP limit by the end of April (gotta be realistic!)

To help with the design goals I have already mapped out my year, right down to monthly and weekly goals, and have put the majority of the sketching/swatching/maths/grading to occur BEFORE baby arrives and my brain goes a little fuzzy. That way when I am trying to look after a newborn I just have mindless knitting to do.....even one row a day will add up over time so I am wanting to be kind to myself in that initial time.

That about does it for today, I'm off to knit in 30 degree heat (86 F)..

Tell me what your resolutions are for the year? What do you need to do to make them a reality?

A x


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